Monday, November 8, 2010

Happiness in Relationship Draft.

           Spending quality time with a romantic partner is very necessary for our happiness. Relationships are very important to people. I feel a social relationship is very important to your happiness. You see rich people with tons of money but have no one special to share it with. Sometimes you see poor people with a nickle to spend be so happy because no matter what the situation they will always have each other. To have happiness in your life you need to spend quality time with friends or family or a romantic partner. When you have someone who cares about you more than they care about themselves that when you have true happiness. Aristole stated " without friendship, no happiness is possible." I feel when you have a romantic relationship however good or bad, you have a piece of that person no matter what. Wherever you go in the world that special person will be with you. I'm happy when I can share events, moments and create memories that I can remember forever that's truly special. You love that person when they at there highs and lows. You can see that person is a mirror imagine of you.
                  Some people have this misdirection on what is condition love and what is unconditional love. Some people fall in love with someone because that person has all the values, they are looking for. Those people have this check list about this "ideal" perfect person they would like in their lives. Author Marcel Proust once stated " let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." People should love their partner or special someone for who they are and not for what they stand for. Love is a feeling and people forget that because they try to force someone to love them. When really that person don't feel the same way as you do.               Unconditional love is when you really love someone because you see yourself in them. You love them for who they really are. They want to be with you not for who you stand for but they want you for you. Musician Duke Ellington once said, " Love is supreme and unconditional; like is nice but limited." I think when you love someone unconditionally because you cant breathe with that person is around you and you almost die when that person didn't pick up your phone call. You can't see your world the same without that person. Some people love their mothers with all my heart and they can't survive on this earth without. My mother loves me when I have my high moments and when I hit rock bottom. People believe when you love someone unconditionally you have this type of passion and dedication to that person no matter what happens. I believe when you love someone or you are in love with someone, it should unconscious. You should love that person just cause.
               Condition love is when you love someone because you have this program in your mind that this special someone should look and be a actual way. Except for looking at the small things you look at this big picture because your observing to found things that you like in someone and not for what they really are. I like some guys would look for nice body and nice looks because that what they were program to do. Their some guys who look for the small things like the characteristics that your mom might have or grandma. Everyman was told by their dad to found someone like your mother because she the most special woman in your life. I feel you shouldn't love someone for what they have but for they are. To love someone for their wealth or fame is condition love but to love someone because that someone makes your heart beat fast and slow at the same time now that my friends is unconditional love.
             I believe couples should be together for a reason not for benefit. Some couples get together because it will benefit them in the future. Like a woman will marry a rich guy because she be set for life. In that type of relationship the couples are not in love with each other but in love with each other stand for. Those couples spend so much time working hard and apart, they tend to fall out of love with each other. Couples spend so much time on worrying about the future that, they forget about the present which leads to failure.You have couples who do not know the differences between love and lust. Oprah Winfrey once quoted ' Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down." People should love someone because they make you happy. When you lust someone you like them because you mistake pleasure for happiness. Somebody decide to have kids with someone or marry them because its the right thing but that just brings more stress and unhappiness to the relationship.
            Deepak Chopra quoted once, " However good or bad you feel about your relationship, the person you are without this moment is the "right" person, because he or she is the mirror of who are inside." Spending quality time with a romantic person that you are in a relationship can have a positive affect on your happiness. For many of us, the best feeling is when you react to your new romantic partner words and actions. falling in love with someone special is good feeling. However, many of us know the ones closest to us can also make us feel horrible.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Victor! My name is Alexandra and I found your paper interesting from the start. I agree with you, I think people should be together because they are actually happy with each other and not for the money. I like the way you started with the introduction because you prepared the reader with what to expect and I like that quote you used from Aristole but you might want to explain it. Also, when including quotes it is a good idea to ask yourself if the quote actually helps and its needed. If you can paraphrase then it’s a good idea to just paraphrase instead.I can’t find your thesis though :/. When you move from one paragraph to a new one you can use transition setences so the reader can know what to expect. Your body paragraph is good. You have a lot of good ideas and you backed it up with some personal examples. I think it’s a little long though and I got confused. Perhaps you can break it into two paraphraphs  I found these two sentenes a little confusing: “You should love that person just cause” and “I like some guys would look for nice body and nice looks because that what they were program to do.” I think for the second setence you can just take out “I like” (it’s a good idea to proof read your paper to avoid these sentences). Also, when you start with “I feel” in your body paragraph you can change it up a little, like instead you can use “I believe” or “I think”. Or you can take out “I feel”. Like “I feel when you love someone unconditionally you have this type of passion and dedication to that person no matter what happens”, you can say “When one loves someone unconditionally he/she has this type of dedication to that person no matter what happens” .
    I think your conclusion is good, and you have a lot of new ideas and I was left with wantign more. I think you introduced new ideas that you can use for your body paragraphs. In addition, I found the use of “you” as a second person a little confusing.
