Some people have this misdirection on what is condition love and what is unconditional love. Some people fall in love with someone because that person has all the values, they were looking for. Those people have this check list about the "idea" perfect person they want in their life. I feel you should love your partner or special someone for who they are and not for what they stand for. Love is a feeling and people forget that because they try to force someone to love them. when really that person don't feel the same way as you do.
Unconditional love is when you really love someone because you see yourself in them. You love them for who they really are. They want to be with you not for who you stand for but they want you for you. I feel when you love someone unconditionally because you cant breathe with that person is around you and you almost die when that person didn't pick up your phone call. You can't see your world the same without that person. Like I feel my mother with all my heart and I know I can't survive on this earth without. My mother loves me when I have my high moments and when I hit rock bottom. I feel when you love someone unconditionally you have this type of passion and dedication to that person no matter what happens. I feel when you love someone or you are in love with someone, it should unconscious. You should love that person just cause.
Condition love is when you love someone because you have this program in your mind that this special someone should look and be a actual way. Except for looking at the small things you look at this big picture because your observing to found things that you like in someone and not for what they really are. I like some guys would look for nice body and nice looks because that what they were program to do. Their some guys who look for the small things like the characteristics that your mom might have or grandma. Everyman was told by their dad to found someone like your mother because she the most special woman in your life. I feel you shouldn't love someone for what they have but for they are. To love someone for their wealth or fame is condition love but to love someone because that someone makes your heart beat fast and slow at the same time now that my friends is unconditional love.
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