Thursday, December 2, 2010

happiness and health

             Happiness is of the key factors to a healthy lifestyle. Happiness is great for the human body. Like Kataria once said, "Faster and better physical healing through laughter remains an unrealized, tantalizing, but still reasonable prospect." (86). It's really weird how happiness comes from laughter. It’s not a proven fact but there is a good enough case and support around this theory. Some people say that the more you smile ads on the years you live. Laughter is a good way to get your mind of stress or the feeling of being miserable. Listening to comedians tell their jokes is the best medicine people need because laughing makes you feel good inside and increase your self esteem. People feel amazing after they had a good laugh. Laughter is a great way to relieve tension and sadness. People even feel good after they laugh at themselves for no reason at all. Happiness is connected with your health and laughter is good way to increase your health and happiness. People should laugh when they are sick or stress, when they want feel better about themselves and people should laugh even when they don’t want to.
    If you laugh on a daily basis and you are suffering from an illness, it would do your body good in a way. Kataria claimed, “Patients with multiple sclerosis who laughed regularly,” “had a lot of improvement,” “Asthma patients-- they have benefits.” (84). that’s why cancer patients or serially ill patients try to embrace life. People visit the patients in the hospital and try to make them laugh. They can feel good about themselves, even though they are going through a whole a lot of pain and suffering. Laughter has a big affect on people who are serially surviving. I have a perfect example on how laughter can cure people from illness. In the movie Funny People, Adam Sandler plays a very successful comedian and actor name George Simmons. George is also lonely and his no relation with his family. Later Simmons is diagnosed with some type of leukemia. Except for opting to do chemotherapy, he decide to take an experimental drug that has an 8 percent chance of curing him. After becomes depress, Simmons decides to return to his roots of stand up comedy. At a comedy club, George meets a guy named Ira (who is played by Seth Rogen). George take the stage and did a “dark” routine then Ira goes right after and gets laughs from making fun of George stand up. So George heard Ira mocking him so George decides to hire Ira has his assistant. So after some stand up shows and taking the medicine for awhile George has no longer a trace of the cancer. So people can be cured by laughter even the funniest people in the world need to laugh to feel better sometimes.
              People who are happy see the world as a safe place, confident is at its highest, decisions are not difficult to make at all, more tolerant and cooperative to people, and live healthier and more energized lives. Like Kataria told his trainee's that laughter yoga "is based upon the scientific fact that, even if you laugh for the sake of laughing, even if you are pretending laughing, your body cannot tell the difference." (80). Psychology says that the causes and consequences of happiness is a good mood increases people's perceptions of the world and the willingness to help others. The moods triggered by the day's good or bad events. Psychology says stress takes energy from the immune system, inhibiting the activities of the certain cells in your body. Stress does not cause disease, it may affect their progression. The best way to cope with stress is to have a sense of control and building a foundation of social support and to laugh a little more you know. People tend to cope more successfully with stress and enjoy better health. So laughing yoga is good for in psychological point of view. People should laugh more often because it takes stress out their lives from work or school or problems at home. It is a fact that 1/3 people who are happy get fewer colds and flu. Your emotion state affects your immune system more than any food you eat, exercise you do, or supplement you take. Norman Cousins cured himself of a serious illness by watching lots and lots funny movies. Laughter truly is a powerful medicine. Something as simple as smiling can take you from a down and depressed feeling to more normal level of happiness.
People can say happiness is very good for your health but good health is also good for your happiness. Most happy people have some type of physical activity in their daily routine that makes them happy. Whether it is going to the gym or walking outside or running or going yoga or playing sports. Psychologist say that in winter which people are more depress because its dark and cold, that even walking outside when the sun is out is good for your happiness. Working out is a great to relieve stress and problems in your life that decreases your happiness. Most people who are depressed and stress are not active. Those people don’t work out or get there body in movement. They are either eating up a storm or locking themselves from the world. That’s not going to help you with your happiness it will only make it worst.  Happiness across your life surely leads to good health and well being both physical and emotional. When you feel good, your body releases chemicals that allow you to heal from any problems or discomfort.
In conclusion, when you are happy, your life will work like a well oiled machine. Laughing is great way to increase your happiness and health. Even pretending to laugh is good for your body. People who invest in laughing yoga will be much happier at the end of the day. Your body will thank you later. Remember at the end of the day your well being and individual happiness and health is what matters the most. Nothing else matters.


                  Works cited

Raffi, Khatchadourian. “The Laughing Guru.” ENG 101- The Pursuit of Happiness. Ed. E. McCormick. New York: LaGuardia Community College, 2010.

Monday, November 29, 2010

draft to happiness and health

Happiness is of the key factors to a healthy lifestyle. Happiness is great for the human body. Like Kataria once said, "Faster and better physical healing through laughter remains an unrealized, tantalizing, but still reasonable prospect." (86). It's really weird how happiness comes from laughter. It’s not a proven fact but there is a good enough case and support around this theory. Some people say that the more you smile ads on the years you live. Laughter is a good way to get your mind of stress or the feeling of being miserable. Listening to comedians tell their jokes is the best medicine people need because laughing makes you feel good inside and increase your self esteem. People feel amazing after they had a good laugh. Laughter is a great way to relieve tension and sadness. People feel good after they laugh to themselves for no reason at all.
                If you laugh on a daily basis and you are suffering from an illness, it would do your body good in a way. Kataria claimed, “Patients with multiple sclerosis who laughed regularly,” “had a lot of improvement,” “Asthma patients-- they have benefits.” (84). that’s why cancer patients or serially ill patients try to embrace life. People visit the patients in the hospital and try to make them laugh. They can feel good about themselves, even though they are going through a whole a lot of pain and suffering. Laughter has a big affect on people who are serially surviving. If you ever watch the movie Funny People, Adam Sander plays a comedian who is diagnose with some type of cancer. So Adam character try to do as much shows to make himself feel better than after a while he was cure from the cancer. This is a great example that laughter even from a funny person can cure everything in a way. 
              People who are happy see the world as a safe place, confident is at its highest, decisions are not difficult to make at all, more tolerant and cooperative to people, and live healthier and more energized lives. Like Kataria told his trainee's that laughter yoga "is based upon the scientific fact that, even if you laugh for the sake of laughing, even if you are pretending laughing, your body cannot tell the difference." (80). Psychology says that the causes and consequences of happiness is a good mood increases people's perceptions of the world and the willingness to help others. The moods triggered by the day's good or bad events. Psychology says stress takes energy from the immune system, inhibiting the activities of the certain cells in your body. Stress does not cause disease, it may affect their progression. The best way to cope with stress is to have a sense of control and building a foundation of social support and to laugh a little more you know. People tend to cope more successfully with stress and enjoy better health. So laughing yoga is good for in psychological point of view.
Kataria states that “laughter, would not only improve ones mood, but enhance physical well-being”. (77).

Works cited

Raffi, Khatchadourian. “The Laughing Guru.” ENG 101- The Pursuit of Happiness. Ed. E. McCormick. New York: LaGuardia Community College, 2010.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

"Relationship is the key to Happiness.”

Spending quality time with a romantic partner is very necessary for our happiness. Relationships are very important to people. I feel a social relationship is very important to your happiness. You see rich people with tons of money but have no one special to share it with. Sometimes you see poor people with a nickel to spend be so happy because no matter what the situation they will always have each other. To have happiness in your life you need to spend quality time with friends or family or a romantic partner. When you have someone special who cares about you more than themselves. That when you have true happiness and love. Aristotle stated “without friendship, no happiness is possible." I feel when you have a romantic relationship however good or bad, you have a piece of that person no matter what.  I'm happy when I can share events, moments and create memories that I can remember forever that's truly special. You love that person when they at there highs and lows. You can see that person is a mirror imagine of you.
                  Some people have this misdirection on what is condition love and what is unconditional love. Some people fall in love with someone because that person has all the values, they are looking for. Those people have this check list about this "ideal" perfect person they would like in their lives. Author Marcel Proust once stated “let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." People should love their partner or special someone for who they are and not for what they stand for. Love is a feeling and people forget that because they try to force someone to love them.                Unconditional love is when you really love someone because you see yourself in them. You love them for who they really are. They want to be with you not for whom you stand for but they want you for you. Musician Duke Ellington once said, “Love is supreme and unconditional; like is nice but limited." I think when you love someone unconditionally because you can’t breathe with that person is around you and you almost die when that person didn't pick up your phone call. You can't see your world the same without that person. Some people love their mothers with all my heart and they can't survive on this earth without. My mother loves me when I have my high moments and when I hit rock bottom. People believe when you love someone unconditionally you have this type of passion and dedication to that person no matter what happens. I believe when you love someone or you are in love with someone, it should unconscious. You should love that person just cause.
               Condition love is when you love someone because you have this program in your mind that this special someone should look and be an actual way. Except for looking at the small things you look at this big picture because you’re observing to found things that you like in someone and not for what they really are. I like some guys would look for nice body and nice looks because that what they were programmed to do. Their some guys who look for the small things like the characteristics that your mom might have or grandma. Everyman was told by their dad to found someone like your mother because she the most special woman in your life. I feel you shouldn't love someone for what they have but for they are. To love someone for their wealth or fame is condition love but to love someone because that someone makes your heart beat fast and slow at the same time now that my friends is unconditional love.
             I believe couples should be together for a reason not for benefit. Some couples get together because it will benefit them in the future. A woman will marry a rich guy because she is set for life. In that type of relationship the couples are not in love with each other but in love with each other stand for. Those couples spend so much time working hard and apart, they tend to fall out of love with each other. Couples spend so much time on worrying about the future that, they forget about the present which leads to failure. You have couples who do not know the differences between love and lust. Oprah Winfrey once quoted ' Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down." People should love someone because they make you happy. When you lust someone you like them because you mistake pleasure for happiness. Somebody decide to have kids with someone or marry them because it’s the right thing but that just brings more stress and unhappiness to the relationship.
            Deepak Chopra quoted once, “However good or bad you feel about your relationship, the person you are without this moment is the "right" person, because he or she is the mirror of who are inside." Spending quality time with a romantic person that you are in a relationship can have a positive affect on your happiness. For many of us, the best feeling is when you react to your new romantic partner words and actions. Falling in love with someone special is good feeling. However, many of us know the ones closest to us can also make us feel horrible.

What I am thankful for

            There is many things I am thankful for. Some of things are one my family because family is the most important thing in the world. Second, I am thankful to be able to say that I am alive and healthy. I am thankful for having a beautiful person in my life who is my girlfriend. I am thankful to be able to attend school and to be bless to have a great education. I am thankful for being in the United States and have a free way of living. I am truly thankful for being able to wake up every morning and enjoy the wonderful people in the world. I am thankful that I am able to play the game I love which is baseball. I am bless to have friends who support me no matter what I do if it is wrong or right. I am thankful for everything in the world and in my world.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Happiness in Relationship Draft.

           Spending quality time with a romantic partner is very necessary for our happiness. Relationships are very important to people. I feel a social relationship is very important to your happiness. You see rich people with tons of money but have no one special to share it with. Sometimes you see poor people with a nickle to spend be so happy because no matter what the situation they will always have each other. To have happiness in your life you need to spend quality time with friends or family or a romantic partner. When you have someone who cares about you more than they care about themselves that when you have true happiness. Aristole stated " without friendship, no happiness is possible." I feel when you have a romantic relationship however good or bad, you have a piece of that person no matter what. Wherever you go in the world that special person will be with you. I'm happy when I can share events, moments and create memories that I can remember forever that's truly special. You love that person when they at there highs and lows. You can see that person is a mirror imagine of you.
                  Some people have this misdirection on what is condition love and what is unconditional love. Some people fall in love with someone because that person has all the values, they are looking for. Those people have this check list about this "ideal" perfect person they would like in their lives. Author Marcel Proust once stated " let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." People should love their partner or special someone for who they are and not for what they stand for. Love is a feeling and people forget that because they try to force someone to love them. When really that person don't feel the same way as you do.               Unconditional love is when you really love someone because you see yourself in them. You love them for who they really are. They want to be with you not for who you stand for but they want you for you. Musician Duke Ellington once said, " Love is supreme and unconditional; like is nice but limited." I think when you love someone unconditionally because you cant breathe with that person is around you and you almost die when that person didn't pick up your phone call. You can't see your world the same without that person. Some people love their mothers with all my heart and they can't survive on this earth without. My mother loves me when I have my high moments and when I hit rock bottom. People believe when you love someone unconditionally you have this type of passion and dedication to that person no matter what happens. I believe when you love someone or you are in love with someone, it should unconscious. You should love that person just cause.
               Condition love is when you love someone because you have this program in your mind that this special someone should look and be a actual way. Except for looking at the small things you look at this big picture because your observing to found things that you like in someone and not for what they really are. I like some guys would look for nice body and nice looks because that what they were program to do. Their some guys who look for the small things like the characteristics that your mom might have or grandma. Everyman was told by their dad to found someone like your mother because she the most special woman in your life. I feel you shouldn't love someone for what they have but for they are. To love someone for their wealth or fame is condition love but to love someone because that someone makes your heart beat fast and slow at the same time now that my friends is unconditional love.
             I believe couples should be together for a reason not for benefit. Some couples get together because it will benefit them in the future. Like a woman will marry a rich guy because she be set for life. In that type of relationship the couples are not in love with each other but in love with each other stand for. Those couples spend so much time working hard and apart, they tend to fall out of love with each other. Couples spend so much time on worrying about the future that, they forget about the present which leads to failure.You have couples who do not know the differences between love and lust. Oprah Winfrey once quoted ' Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down." People should love someone because they make you happy. When you lust someone you like them because you mistake pleasure for happiness. Somebody decide to have kids with someone or marry them because its the right thing but that just brings more stress and unhappiness to the relationship.
            Deepak Chopra quoted once, " However good or bad you feel about your relationship, the person you are without this moment is the "right" person, because he or she is the mirror of who are inside." Spending quality time with a romantic person that you are in a relationship can have a positive affect on your happiness. For many of us, the best feeling is when you react to your new romantic partner words and actions. falling in love with someone special is good feeling. However, many of us know the ones closest to us can also make us feel horrible.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

blog 5: Condition love v.s. Unconditional love

            Some people have this misdirection on what is condition love and what is unconditional love. Some people fall in love with someone because that person has all the values, they were looking for. Those people have this check list about the "idea" perfect person they want in their life. I feel you should love your partner or special someone for who they are and not for what they stand for. Love is a feeling and people forget that because they try to force someone to love them. when really that person don't feel the same way as you do.
              Unconditional love is when you really love someone because you see yourself in them. You love them for who they really are. They want to be with you not for who you stand for but they want you for you. I feel when you love someone unconditionally because you cant breathe with that person is around you and you almost die when that person didn't pick up your phone call. You can't see your world the same without that person. Like I feel my mother with all my heart and I know I can't survive on this earth without. My mother loves me when I have my high moments and when I hit rock bottom. I feel when you love someone unconditionally you have this type of passion and dedication to that person no matter what happens. I feel when you love someone or you are in love with someone, it should unconscious. You should love that person just cause.
              Condition love is when you love someone because you have this program in your mind that this special someone should look and be a actual way. Except for looking at the small things you look at this big picture because your observing to found things that you like in someone and not for what they really are. I like some guys would look for nice body and nice looks because that what they were program to do. Their some guys who look for the small things like the characteristics that your mom might have or grandma. Everyman was told by their dad to found someone like your mother because she the most special woman in your life. I feel you shouldn't love someone for what they have but for they are. To love someone for their wealth or fame is condition love but to love someone because that someone makes your heart beat fast and slow at the same time now that my friends is unconditional love.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Blog 4: Happiness at Work.

I never work a day in my life so I wouldnt know how it is to be happy while your working but I think I would want to be happy doing something that I love doing then do something that pays the most. I hope when I become a physical therapist, I just want to bring happiness to people after they just overcome a horrible injury or sugrey because I recieve happiness when I can do something thst would benefit or make someone else and impact their lives. So that my outlook on what happiness should be while I'm working.

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Guardian

I found out that I would be a good baseball coach because I like taking care of people, teaching young adults or kids the value on playing baseball, improving kids or young adults life and impacting them in a good way.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

blog 3: "a physical being"

As a physical person, I need to of things that would challenge me and help me to be a happier student. I'm going to discuss my history on being a physical personal the challenges & advantage on being physical person. I will also discuses learning styles of being physical, how does being physical affective me and my future planning as a physical person.
        People don't understand how hard it really is to be a physical person in a neutral place like school. Some of my history as a physical person started at a very young age. I really feel I came out my mother woe running & playing. Ever since I was little I remember just bouncing off the wall everywhere and anywhere. I would be running inside church and my mom rights behind me try to get me to sit down & relax. It was pretty funny now that I realize it. So for being off the wall and being hyper all the time, there was only a matter of time into I was denote with ADD (which is attention defiance disorder). So ever since then I had to take medicine to get me to focus in school. People say you grow out of it but that's a lie because they never experience it. I don't feel that having ADD is a problem because I feel I can do anything a person without ADD can do but the problem is I can't stay still for few seconds. So I never let ADD slow me down when it came to school but help me in other areas besides school.
        The challenges of being a physical person is when your contained in an environment like school, it is really hard to maintain being focus because your mind wants to go play and run a million miles a minute but your suppose to be in class learning how to add 2 plus 2. When I was in kindergarten, I had a lot of trouble sitting in my chair in class but when play time came I was superman. So my teacher decide one day to take off my shoes off when I don't sit still because when I go home at the end of school day and my mom sees I have cleaned the whole classroom with my socks, I'll get smacked like I owned my mom child support. So I would try to stay in my chair so I wouldn't get in trouble with my mom. It really hard to focus in class when everybody in class look at you to be the class clown because you’re so hyper & off the wall. I use to get on my report card distracted influence under comments & my mom would knock me into tomorrow. So it was really hard staying focus in school & to study outside of school because I am so physical.
             I think being a physical person is best thing in the world. Some of the advantages of being a physical person are that you excel at sports like baseball, basketball and etc. You also excel at gym time. I was always gym athlete of the month but not student of the month. I think the best world to describe physical people is a jock because jocks are popular for being physical and not in the classroom so are both but it’s rare. I feel like playing sports is like my education because I learn better when I am active or my body is in motion. I could learn how to throw a curve ball than learn how to do long division.
           Some of the styles I was for learning because I am a physical person like I shake my leg during class to get me to think or I'll like tap my pen on the desk to get me to work. I been trying to do push ups in between my breaks I take while I'm studying. So I'll study for a hour then do some push ups & relax then go back to studying or I'll study then go to the park and play basketball then come back and study some more. It’s really hard to focus & study for a physical person. In my senior year in high school, I'll do weight training really early in the morning then I'll be ready for school but the side effect I'll also fall asleep in school so that don't work. So it’s hard but you learn how to deal with it.
         I think the best thing for a physical person to be happy in school is to do something that involves you moving or using your hands. I'm going to school to study and become a physical therapist so I can help physical people get back to be a physical again. I think this is the best thing for me to do as a career. I think being a physical person will help me in the future because being physical well help other people is physical. So I hope education and I being a physical person help me have a better future.
       As a physical person I face challenges every single day, I walk into a classroom but being physical has it advantage. I have to use different learning styles to learn material in school and I hope being physical will help me in the future become a physical therapist.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Blog 2: " Happiness In Education"

             Mark Van Doren once quoted " our best chance for happiness is education." That is a great saying because without education sometimes you cant be happy in life but that's sometimes because some people don't get an education and still live happy lives. In reading " Happiness In Education" Tal Ben- Shahar discusses two models that illustrate how students are motivated. One is the drowning model and the other is lovemaking model.
            The first model is the drowning model is the passion to relieve yourself of stress from school and once we are relieve of that pain from school, we believe we are much happier. Students aren't happy about school but they bite the bullet and do things that will help or hurt their education. Like if student finish a big project that student is going to throw a party. On the other hand, the lovemaking model is a way of thinking because they feel education makes feel happy now and the future. Students who feel by just by sitting in a classroom or doing math problems for hours is fun.  Students who are like lovemaking model gives them a sense of love from everything they have accomplish.
             I feel like I'm a drowning model because I don't feel happy about going to school or just sitting in class or looking at a hard math problem, oh my god shoot me right then and there but I realize that if I do my work it would benefit me in the long run. when I finish another kind of project or essay or test, I feel like the world has been lifted off my shoulders. it probably the best feeling in the world after I'm done with my school  work. I feel that if I work hard now I can party later exclude for partying now and hard work later.
             I'm the happiest in education is when I'm learning the material and when I can help someone else learn the material because I feel I learn better when I help people because the material repeats in my head so the material stays in my mind so I cant forget it. Like for example, I'm horrible at math but if I get the material and if I teach or show someone how to solve the problem it gets proceed in my head and forever it stays. So I learn the best if I teach someone or explain to someone else what I have learn. So if I'm learn and i know what I'm doing I'm the most happiest person in the world.
               I feel sometimes student get lose in what makes them happy when it comes to happiest. Sometimes, students cant learn because they are always moving so maybe that student should be in dance or playing an instrument or playing a sport. I know I don't like doing school work but I realize that this is going to make my life better in the future.

Monday, September 20, 2010


Hello. I'm victor. I'm 19. im major in liberal arts math & sciences. I want be  a physical therapist. I like playing sports but I play baseball amatuerly. I want to play college baseball and maybe go from there. I like partying and having fun. I like listen to music and play video games. I love going to the gym and working out.

one of the best quotes ever.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. "